
生乳由来IgG高含有濃縮乳清タンパクによるO157、サルモネラ菌、非定型抗酸菌の感染に対する防御力Enriched bovine IgG fraction prevents infections with Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, and Mycobacterium avium
ノコギリヤシ色素の肝細胞がんへの補助療法の可能性New Natural Pigment Fraction Isolated from Saw Palmetto: Potential for Adjuvant Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
ノコギリヤシ色素の血管新生抑制効果Red pigment from Saw palmetto: A natural product for potential alternative cancer treatment
CBPのJNK-ATF4経路活性化による骨形成促進CBP Facilitate Osteogenesis through Activation of the JNK-ATF4 Pathway
乳清活性タンパク質 (Concentrated-Bovine Protein; CBP) の骨密度に対する上昇効果の検証
初乳による人間の骨の成長と発達を促進する可能性Effect of a Growth Protein-Colostrum Fraction on Bone Development in Juvenile Rats
濃縮乳清タンパク質(CBP)の効果:骨芽細胞増殖と骨代謝の促進作用Effects of Colostrum Basic Protein from Colostrum Whey Protein: Increased in Osteoblast Proliferation and Bone Metabolism
血管新生阻害活性を有するサメ抽出脂質のメカニズムと臨床への応用An Ethanolic extract from a shark having potent anti-angiogenic activity: its anti-angiogenic mechanism and clinical application
サメ抽出脂質によるがん増殖や転移の抑制Shark Lipids for Treatment of Malignant Diseases
サメ抽出脂質による悪性疾患治療Inhibition of Cancer Growth and Metastases by Preparations Based on Shark Oil
レプチンは虚血誘発性網膜血管新生を刺激するLeptin Stimulates Ischemia-Induced Retinal Neovascularization
脂肪組織と血管新生の関係Angiogenesis in an in vivo model of adipose tissue development
サメ抽出脂質の抗腫瘍効果機能性食品(アガリクスタケ、タモギタケ、ヤマブシタケ、アラビノキシラン、サメ軟骨、およびサメ抽出脂質)の摂取がマウスL M 8 Dunn 骨肉種移植腫瘍の成長に及ぼす効果
紫外線照射によるシワの発生と血管新生の形成Targeted Overexpression of the Angiogenesis Inhibitor Thrombospondin-1 in the Epidermis of Transgenic Mice Prevents Ultraviolet-B-Induced Angiogenesis and Cutaneous Photo-Damage